June 21, 2024

3 Tips To Manage Your Weight WITHOUT Counting Calories + Recipe of the Month!

We all know as winter sets in, the days gets shorter, the nights get cooler and it can be tricker to stay on track with your nutrition goals, particularly if you’re trying to manage your weight. We often will opt for those comfort meals and it can be a struggle to continue your usual exercise or movement routine when the warm cosy bed covers are calling your name on those cold mornings or evenings. However, it is absolutely possible to stay on track throughout the winter season, so here are some of our easiest strategies for being able to continue hitting those weight loss goals without counting calories, being super strict or depriving yourself of your favourite winter warmer meals.

1.Increase Your Protein Intake

Protein is one of the most satiating nutrients, so ensuring you have a decent portion of protein on your plate can make a huge difference to how full and satisfied you feel after finishing your meal. Including a protein rich food source at all your meals and most of your snacks can be a gamechanger in helping you to manage your portions throughout the day. Protein doesn’t just include our meat, poultry and fish (although all great sources), but it also includes foods such as eggs, Greek yoghurt, milk, cheese, lentils, chickpeas, beans, tofu, nuts and oats. It can be easy to sit down to that comforting serve of pumpkin soup and bread, but perhaps consider adding some Greek yoghurt or cook in some lentils or chicken to add a protein rich spin on a classic vegetable soup.

2.Increase Your Fibre Intake

Fibre has huge amount of health benefits beyond assisting with weight management, however, it also happens to be quite filling, just like our protein, which can really help you feel full and satisfied at the end of your meal. The best sources of fibre include vegetables, fruits, wholegrains and legumes and one of the reasons why fibre can be so beneficial for weight management is because most of these foods tend to be low in calories, allowing you to bulk out your meals while keeping the calorie count in check. So if you’re ready to dive into that cheesy lasagne, consider ‘is there a source of fibre I could add here to help me bulk out this meal?’. This could be a side of veggies or salad or you could even grate veggies or add legumes (lentils, chickpeas, bean) into the meat during the cooking process to stretch your meat further and also save money in your pocket. Trust us, it will still be just a comforting, but you’ll be able to have less while still feeling full and satisfied!

3.Preparation and Planning  

No, you don’t have to start meal prepping your weeks worth or meals or anything that extreme but a little forward thinking can go a long way! We know time is precious and even though you may feel like you have no time to plan anything, by thinking ahead and doing a little bit of prepping, you will save yourself time later. Planning some dinner meals each week prior to shopping can be a great place to start so you know you have the ingredients all ready to go – imagine saving time not needing to go to the shops every afternoon or evening after work! Having a plan about what snacks to buy and maybe doing some simple prep after you’ve shopped, like cutting up some fruit or veggie sticks, could help you stay on track when that afternoon snack attack comes and all you want to do is fall headfirst into the packet of choccy biccies. Doing a bit of the prep work and having a plan actually gives you something to work to rather than going about the day willy nilly and mindlessly eating or not eating at all (and binging later) and then feeling defeated because you couldn’t stick to the ‘the plan’ (that you actually never created – see what we did there). There is a lot of power to having a plan when you’re trying to progress closer towards your goals. Just start small and take one step at a time, before you know it you’ll be a planning and prepping guru!

We hope these tips will help you to keep on track with your goals and if you have any feedback or suggestions about blog posts you’d like us to write, please let us know!

Disclaimer: This is general nutrition advice and is not supposed to substitute information from your medical or dietary provider. This information is not suitable for those suffering with eating disorders and we encourage those who have disordered eating to seek individual dietary advice from a dietitian.

RECIPE OF THE MONTH: Chilli Con Carne 

30 mins | Serves 4

Check out our latest recipe! This comforting chilli con carne recipe is sure to make you feel all warm & cosy inside on those chilly winter evenings. 


  • 500g lean beef mince
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 1-2 tsp beef stock powder (to taste)
  • 350g passata sauce
  • 2 tsp tomato paste
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 1 can of kidney beans, drained and rinsed
  • Cumin to taste
  • Chilli powder to taste (optional)
  • Cayenne Pepper to taste (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooked rice, to serve
  • Sour cream, to serve


  1. Place oil in a saucepan and sauté onion and garlic over medium heat until onion becomes translucent.
  2. Add in beef to the pan and cook, breaking up with a spatula or wooden spoon, until browned.
  3. Add in the kidney beans and desired amount of spices, stirring to coat beef mixture.
  4. Add in passata, tomato paste and beef stock powder, bring to the boil and then reduce heat tosimmer for about 20-30mins.
  5. Season with salt and serve with cooked rice and a dollop of sour cream
  6. Serve with topped parmesan cheese and parsley. Enjoy!

Do you have any food, nutrition or wellness related topics you would like to hear us write about? Send your questions/ideas to [email protected]

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